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Monday, February 23, 2015

Kelpie Sea Horses

Kelpie Sea Monster Horse
Of Ireland and Scotland
These Kelpie Sea Horses in the Celtic World are known to be a Sea Monster. Why? Well these creatures can take on multiple shapes, however usually it will appear in the form of a horse. The Kelpie horses gallop around Ireland, looking like a lost pony, attempting to trick women and children into riding on them. There is one thing that you can tell that might safe you life from the Kelpie horse; these creatures always have a mane that will be dripping or soaking wet with water. Unlike that of regular pony's or horse's this should be a huge clue for you to Not! get on this creature!  How if a child or women doesn't see the signs of the wet man and hop on the
Kelpie Sea Horse trying to lure two
Young girls
monster Kelpie, well they are doom to drown. For the Kelpie Sea horse will then run with speeds unearthly into the water, drowning its victim as planned then it will take them to its lair to eat them; THE IRISH DEMON.

Sometimes the Kelpie will transform into a handsome man to lure women into his trap, of a watery grave, however there is another clue if the women can look pass the spell of the Kelpie. It is said that even thought he may be a very handsome man shift-shaper of
The Kelpie Sea horse
with his victim, taken down
to the depths of the sea
sorts, but if there is kelp or seaweed in the man's hair she should run. The Kelpie water horse can be vary in 

temperament from shy, to mischievous to downright evil. Like the Scottish Kelpie; many will suddenly appear at the bank-sides of the highlands and encourage or even force weary travellers onto their backs. Then they would suddenly charge at alarming speed/pace into the nearest body of water and dive into the water deep within then dumping the human there with no escape. 
The Irish Aughisky Sea Horse 
Then there is the Irish Aughisky which are particularly nasty and evil of all the Sea Horses. These take their victims down into the depths of the water with one thought in mind - to feed upon their victims; it doesn't matter whether it be man, woman or child. 
The Welsh Ceffgl Dwr tend to buck the trend, then will often jump onto the backs of the weary human travellers themselves. 
Some Water Horses are also thought able to assume
humanoid forms, usually either as a small hairy man or as
Kelpie in his True humanoid form
young youths who initially seem very handsome, however the closer one gets they may have sea-weed-encrusted in their hair, a musty smell about them and hooves instead of feet. 

His true form is that of a black horse, while his human form is
His True Form is that of the Black horse 
that of an attractive young man with dark hair and eyes - well his pupils are white swirls. Kelpies when wounded can heal themselves fast when they are in the water and can purify the water by removing all the toxins from their bodies.

The Manz Water Horses are known as Glashans have gained a reputation for attempting to abduct or molest women too.
Young Humanoids Kelpies that would work for
food on farms sometimes.
Sometimes the Glashans will adopt the form of a dapple foals of lambs or a more humanoid appearance and on occasions will assist farmers with manual labour in exchange for food. 

There are many different local names for the Water Horse/Kelpie Sea Horse. Theses creatures can vary somewhat in their habits and their appearances depending on specific breed and location on where they live.
Well I hope that you Enjoyed the legend and Myth of the Kelpie Horse of Ireland. I will included a few more images for 
you all my dear Friends & Followers so you can
see the many different appearances of the

~Kelpie Sea Water Horse~
Love You all very much 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

~WendyTales-How to Find a fairy Lair-


Welcome to my New Post Called
Like TipsFromtheGarden~ This too will bring you
helpful tips for your Garden, Stories, Poems and
some of my own experiences in life. These which will include 
how my Garden/Hummingbird has helped put light and 
happiness in my life.  You will find its new home on 
Sunday's. So when I get myself together I hope that you all 
will come and visit me also on Sundays as well. 
For my first post 
How to find a fairy lair?
 There are a few helpful guides
to finding fairy Lairs. 
First you must remember when looking for a Fairy Lair, 
they are very important to our ecology why? Because of the 
many taboos that surround them. The faeries have largely been left
untouched in these certain areas such as;
Farmlands, Valleys in the highlands of the cliffs in
Scottland too. These are just a few places where humans
haven't touched the fairy world. 
Below might be a few Fairy Lairs that you might have
heard of! However, you must always respect the Fae world!
Hill or Mound
Even though are small in size, the hillock might be 
the haunted homes of the faeries. They are usually circular in
shape. The welsh elves are said to haunt this hills/mounds
'dingle's or hollow by the wayside.
Note: some can be very large too!
Wooded site
These faeries homes look more mature, ancient and indigenous
with broadleaf trees on them. They too are often in a circular 
cluster too. In Scotland you might spot what they call them
Scots pines.
Archeological Features
If you happen to see one of these on a map, look for
nearby barrows and tumuli. In particular burial sites. 
In Celtic Mythology, underground fairy world are associated with
the underworld.
Visually Distinct
Fairy Sites tend to stand our from their surrounding. Meaning in
the farmlands they will look wild because of the taboo on their 
culture for generations.
Boundary Site
Often these sites will be, mark with a boundary between 
the different communities and may be some distance from 
humans habitation. 
Why? because people both fear and venture to these
sites with either good or bad intentions.
So that is why the faeries always avoided human 
building homes, roads that might be near them. 
Legend & Lore
Look for places & names that are associated with 
faeries or mythical beasts/creatures. Also ask about local
superstitions too.
The very best place to look if you are lucky is to find
faeries in your own backyard or Garden..
I hope you have enjoyed my'new
post and I hope to see you all next 

Saturday, February 21, 2015


The images below are different interpretations, of
 The  images you 
see are in the form of paintings,
Photographic Photo-Shop, Digital Painting, Photography 
and other Types of Media.
Most if not all, are from Talented Artist... Thank you to all the talented Artist, who have created all these beautiful images for all of us to Enjoy...If it wasn't for this amazing Artist I wouldn't 
be able to have these beautiful posts of Art for you all!
YOURWENDY."(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life♥´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... ☾ ❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕。) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ƸӜƷ•❤❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕。)¸.•*""*•.¸


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